家教會會籍生效於每學年度的9月1日,並止於翌年8月31日(即有效期為一個學年),如家長發覺會籍過期或尚未入會、請即《 續會/入會》。另外, 請參閱有關本會的個人資料(私隱)聲明


PTA Membership starts each year on 1st Sept and ends on 31st August the next year. Please 《 Apply for/Renew》 membership.  Please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement.



All rights reserved © 2013
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited

當各位參加我們舉辦的活動或與我們聯絡時, 我們可能要求你提供個人資料或你會向我們提供個人資料, 因此, 請詳閱我們以下的個人資料(私隱)聲明。
When you participate or intend to participate in our activities, or in our communication with you, we may ask you to provide or you may provide your personal particulars to    us. In that regard, please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement below.




  1. 閣下所提供的個人資料將會用作培僑書院家長教師會有限公司(“本會”)的組織管理和活動事宜上。
  2. 本會將閣下的個人資料嚴格保密,但可能會轉交與培僑書院、本會或其他向本會提供服務的個人或部門。
  3. 根據《個人資料〈私隱〉條例》,閣下有權向本會提出查閱及更改閣下之個人資料的要求。
  4. 如閣下希望查閱及更改本會所持閣下的個人資料,請發信給本會秘書,地址為〔香港新界沙田大圍大圍新村路一號培僑書院〕。閣下亦可以電郵致“pkcpta@puikiu.edu.hk”與我們聯絡。

Personal Data (Privacy) Statement

  1. The personal data collected about you will be used for the purpose of the organization and activities of the Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited (“the Association”).
  2. Personal data held by the Association related to you will be kept confidential but they may be provided to appropriate personnel of Pui Kiu College, the Association and other parties providing services to the Association.
  3. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and correction of personal data held by the Association related to you.
  4. If you wish to make access to or correction of your personal data held by the Association, please make such request by sending a letter to the Secretary of the Association at [Pui Kiu College, 1 Tai Wai NewVillage Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong]. You may also contact us by email addressed to [pkcpta@puikiu.edu.hk].