家教會會籍生效於每學年度的9月1日,並止於翌年8月31日(即有效期為一個學年),如家長發覺會籍過期或尚未入會、請即《 續會/入會》。另外, 請參閱有關本會的個人資料(私隱)聲明


PTA Membership starts each year on 1st Sept and ends on 31st August the next year. Please 《 Apply for/Renew》 membership.  Please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement.



All rights reserved © 2013
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited

Cathay Pacific - I Can Fly Programme

Dear Parents & Students,

The Cathay Pacific I Can Fly Programme will run in March to August 2016, which targets at F.3 to F.6 secondary school students by exposing them to the world of aviation and fostering their personal growth.


To allow more students to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, the enrollment deadline will be extended to 7 December 2015 (Monday). We believe this programme will provide a remarkable development opportunity for young people and we would very much appreciate your support in encouraging eligible students within your community to enroll for the programme.


Details of the programme are available at http://icanfly.cathaypacific.com.